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This girl's call name is Molly, in honor of the Marine Corps as she was born on it's birthday. If you are not familiar with why Molly would be an appropriate name, you should do a search...Molly is also lovingly known as Molly Jo, Molly Josephine, Mol-Mol, and MJ2K.

This particular cross was made to bring in some older blood with some very important traits that are getting harder and harder to find in the jacks of today. Mainly, chest. While you can find spannable and flexible chests out there, the shape has been something that has been sorely overlooked and lost. I was fortunate enough to have owned a terrier with an incredible chest and was able to put my hands on him often enough to have learned that feel. This little girl should have that chest, a great, tight coat, plenty of bone without going overboard and a wonderful nose. Both of her parents had/have amazing noses and her sire and I accounted for 35 fox on one permission in just two years before I lost count. This little girl should definitely hunt. Her chest should be shaped like the tubes her quarry live in. Her coat should give her ample protection from the elements. 


She is black and white and normal by descent on SCA, DM, PLL, and NNA. I am excited to start this journey with this little girl and am already looking ahead to who I plan to breed her to in a few years to hopefully fix the faults she has while maintaining the qualities she was bred specifically for.


B/W smooth

Trial Results

MAWTA, Norfolk, Nebraska, June 26 & 27, 2021

Sunday- 4th 6-9 month bitch pups, 2nd puppy hurdles, 3rd puppy flats

Saturday- 4th 6-9 month bitch pups, 2nd puppy hurdles, 2nd puppy flats

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Copyright 2025 Avalanche Acres Jack Russell Terriers. Photos can not be used without express written consent.

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